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Health & Wellness

This page offers a description of Healing & Wellness Protocols/Modalities that can be of benefit to those who seek Healing & Wellness.

Developing Consciousness

Everything I write and speak about concerns the development of our individual innate Consciousness, this subject is probably the most important sharing of knowledge that I know, because our Perception, Knowledge, Wisdom, and the Source of Truth are all structured and actualized in Consciousness. It resides in the Unified Quantum Field of All That Was, Is and Will Be. Therefore, it is the primary consideration, because most of us, Human beings, are only utilizing about 4% to 5% of our total potential of Consciousness, because the means of such expression, the Human Body is operating on a double helix of DNA, instead of the 12 DNA strands we are not yet using. In fact, it is being said that our Human potential exceeds 12 strands of DNA that can be developed. As we develop more of our innate Consciousness, we also develop the means for our bodies to embody the increased expression of Consciousness, for it lies dormant, waiting to be actualized/activated, and this is why my platform is all about the development of Consciousness.

Here is my attempt to describe the indescribable, as follows;

  • Consciousness is not the actual perception, but, rather, the medium, by which conscious awareness, and all perception can exist.
  • Consciousness is the Quantum Field of energy by which the conscious thinking mind is aware of the perception of anything and everything.
  • Consciousness is that field of energy known as the Quantum Field, the Field of All Possibilities, the Infinite Field, the Morphogenic Field, the Source of all Solutions, the Source of all Possibilities.
  • Conscious Awareness is structured in Consciousness, and as Consciousness is further developed, so does Conscious Awareness expand.
  • Consciousness is the means by which Universal Law and Natural Law are accessed, spontaneously.
  • Conscious Awareness, therefore, is the ability to be consciously aware of one’s perception.
  • Consciousness is the means by which human beings can express themselves and evolve into higher frequencies of knowing and existence.
  • Consciousness is in the realm of the observer observing the observer, who is observing the object.

Described as follows;

  • The object being observed.
  • The observer, observing the object (your lower self)
  • The unseen observer (Higher Self) observing the observer (lower self/body mind)

Here is an exercise that may help you understand what consciousness is, if you have not had the conscious experience of it.

When appropriate and safe, please stand against a wall, with your nose touching the wall, staring at the wall directly in front of you. You will be aware of about 12 inches/30 centimeters horizontally, and about 6 inches/15 centimeters vertically, without moving your head.  This is synonymous to the average person’s conscious awareness, correlating to the state of that person’s level of consciousness.

If you took one step backwards, your perception of the wall increases enormously, exponentially, in fact. This demonstrates the conscious perception of a person whose consciousness becomes greater, and, accordingly, the conscious awareness is expanded. This experience, in consciousness, is experienced by a small minority of human beings, which is increasing. The ‘stepping backwards’ is akin to raising consciousness, resulting in the expansion of your conscious awareness, which is the result of raising consciousness.

In this way does perception increase exponentially, as well as the frequency of energy at which you vibrate. This increases your intuition, your ability to be consciously aware, and your intrinsic ability to ‘know’. The ‘knowing’ seems to be related to the ability of spontaneously accessing the Akashic Records at will, which is that meta-physical library of all knowledge, incorporating whatever has been, whatever is, and whatever will be in potentiality. The Akashic records is, in my opinion, another term for knowledge being stored in the Unified Quantum Field of All That is, developing consciousness is the only way to connect with that field.

Much more information about Consciousness is contained in my book, The Emissaries of Consciousness, available from the Bookstore on this website.


Agnihotra: "Heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere heals you!"
Agnihotra: “Heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere heals you!”

This video provides an excellent demonstration and explanation of Agnihotra with the Sunset Mantra.

  • Agnihotra

Agnihotra is a sacred puja ceremony, also known as Homa, or a healing fire, according to a precise ritual (Yajnya), which has its origins in the science of Ayurveda (the ancient Science of Life from India), which began about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. It is a dynamic process of purifying the atmosphere, our planet and ourselves, together with all the animals and plant life, by means of a specially prepared fire ritual, that is resonant with the sunrise & sunset biorhythm of the planet, and which is performed precisely at sunrise and sunset, daily. This ritual includes the chanting of mantras which add to the incredible efficacy of Agnihotra. If you seek an action that can help you develop more consciousness and human potential, together with providing a valuable service to all of life, Agnihotra may be the way for you.

To learn more about Agnihotra please check-out these links below;

Ayurveda with Anthony Altman
Ayurveda with Anthony Altman
  • Ayurveda

    “Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food!”

According to Ayurveda, the single most cause for good or bad health is whatever your dietary lifestyle is, or is not.

This information is offered to those who seek a dietary lifestyle that works well for them, and which is also an alternative medical healing modality that has universal applications. The real efficacy of Ayurveda is that it caters for each unique and individual human being, with unique and individual physical constitutions, which is entirely addressed by this remarkable medical science from India. Furthermore, I understand that Ayurveda is extremely proficient in diagnosing the causation of a medical condition, usually.

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that means, ‘The Science of Life, and appeared in India about 6,000 years ago, in India. Many people are not able to digest their food very well, because they are not eating the appropriate foods, and/or the food is not prepared appropriate to their individual constitution. which is the cause of many of the diseases and illnesses – incomplete, inadequate digestion! This is the consequence of people having little, or no idea what constitutes a healthy meal for their individual body type, or physical constitution, they eat inappropriate foods, cooked in an inappropriate manner, or raw food which is inappropriate for certain body types, and/or poor food combinations, such as eating fruit and vegetables at the same time, or drinking ice-cold fluids during the meal. This is because most people believe that all healthy food is good for all people, a ‘one size fits all,’ philosophy, and which could not be further from the truth.

Furthermore, Ayurveda says that, as a result of poor digestion ama (toxins) is produced by the body, and which is the main cause of disease. Ama is a nasty mucous type of substance that can be foul smelling, and which lodges in the body, including the joints, organs or vascular system, and anywhere it can. Ama blocks the energy channels, restricts the smooth functioning of the bodily systems, and illness results. Ayurveda treats specific illnesses with herbal medicines, which are not drugs, and without such side effects. Together with the use of herbs, Ayurveda counsels an appropriate dietary lifestyle, which helps correct digestion, and balances the body so that the ama may also be eliminated. Ayurveda acknowledges that the food we eat, if appropriate is also our medicine, indeed, Ayurveda agrees with Hippocrates, and says,

“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.”

I began my Ayurveda journey in 2003, when I could not cook at all. I began to learn over the years, and now, I make my own ghee, herbal and spice combinations, and I use cook books from Dr. Vasant Lad and Amadea Morningstar. The dietary lifestyle of my wife and I is balanced, and we are thriving as vegetarians bordering on vegans.

  • Meditation

Formal meditation requires that we sit in a quiet and safe place to meditate for at least 20 minutes, perhaps twice a day. Most people do not know what meditation is and is not, so I wrote a book, providing information that is as comprehensive as I could present it, about which I feel adequately educated. If you look at the About page, you will see my pedigree and repertoire in this field. Meditation is, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many who know, the single most valuable and productive practice that will help most people become less stressed, healthier in body, mind and soul, and to increase Consciousness, thus expanding Conscious Awareness.

On the events page I have endeavoured to provide an opportunity for people to meditate on their own, but within a group structure, even as that group is spread out all over the world. Meditation, in its formal sense, cannot be the focus of an internet practice. Therefore, we will meditate separately, in our own space, knowing that we and many others are inspired to do the same, and in this way, More Consciousness and Divine Light will enter our realm of physical existence.

If you do not know how to meditate, I suggest you obtain my book, entitled, Meditation, Yoga & Breathing, (please go to the Bookstore page on this website) which gives you an extremely detailed description what meditation and is not, and provides several meditation techniques, one of which you may find suitable. If you have any questions about meditation, send me a message on the Contact Page.

  • Gyatri Mantra

I suggest you copy, paste & print this, referring to it, when appropriate

The Gyatri Mantra, in Sanskrit, is considered the mother and father of all mantras, and is, by far, considered, the true essence of Indian mantras that help to raise consciousness, to facilitate enlightenment. The Gayatri Mantra is from the Rig Veda, which is part of what is known as the Vedas – ancient, sacred, Sanskrit, canonical hymns or texts of Hinduism that have a Universal, non-religious application. The Vedas have existed in written form for about 2,500 to 3,500 years, even though the original texts, which were passed from one generation to another orally, are deemed to have been in existence for about 6,000 years.

There are two versions of this mantra, the long and the short. The most popular is the short version, which is what we will chant together, for 20 minutes, after which there will be Questions & Answers (Q & A) for 10 minutes, during the scheduled event seen on the Events page. |The mantra is as follows;

Om Bhur Bhuváh Svahá

Tat Sávitur Varényam

Bhárgo Devásya Dhímahi

Dhiyó Yónaha práchodayat

This mantra is so profound that it is impossible for it to have just one meaning or translation. However, this succinct translation comes from S. Krishnamurthy:

“We meditate upon the radiant Divine Light  of that adorable Sun of Spiritual Consciousness; May it awaken our intuitional consciousness.”

For more information on this mantra and other mantras, including Sanskrit, English and Hebrew, please obtain my book: Affirmations, Invocations, Mantras & Prayers, available from the bookstore on this website.

  • Merkandeya Mantra ~ Om Tryambakam

I suggest you copy, paste & print this, referring to it, when appropriate.

This Sanskrit mantra from India, is regarded as the second most important mantra in India, and is regarded as being very effective for healing, liberation from fear of mortality, and all other types of fear, and prevention of accidents. Spiritually, as I am told, it can lead one to the domain of immortality, and it can confer health and vitality to body and mind of those who recite/chant this very powerful mantra often enough. For more information on this mantra, please obtain my book: Affirmations, Invocations, Mantras & Prayers, obtainable from the bookstore page on this website. In this book you will read the entire story of Merkandeya, and how, it is believed, he thwarted death by using this mantra, and providining him with extraordinary longevity of life. It is reported that, 400 years later, Merkandeya can be seen still wandering around the Himalays.

Om  Tríambakam yájamahe sugándhim pushti várdhanam

Urvaruka mivábandhana’an murithyór mukshíam mámritat

Which, when translated into English, means something like this;

“O’ Lord Shiva, ruler of the three worlds. Bless me with good health, and liberate me from the bondage of mortality, and lead me to the domain of immortality. Just as the ripe cucumber peels off effortlessly from the stem, similarly effortlessly, liberate me from the fear of mortality, and let me be established in the immortal domain of consciousness.”

  • Affirmations:

This is an extremely powerful method of changing learned beliefs, learned patterns of behaviour & learned programming. In order to find what affirmations resonate with you, I suggest you acquire my book, Affirmations, Invocations, Mantras & Prayers, obtainable on the Bookstore page. Affirmations can  help improve life and the way we conduct ourselves on our life journey. To make a worthy contribution to all of life, we are first to improve ourselves, by making positive changes from within. Mahatma Gandhi of India, told us, “We are to be the change we wish to see in the world.”

  • The Reclamation of Self: Intention:

This Invocation of intention is an excerpt from my book, Affirmations, Invocations, Mantras & Prayers, and is to be said aloud for greater impact and effect. It helps to dissolve any contractual agreement in any and all lives, past, present and future, and the words are encoded with loving and healing energy frequencies. This Invocation can help release and dissolve karma, learned belief systems, learned patterns of behavior, and perhaps, even learned programming that no longer serve you for your highest good. When you are ready to accept full responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions, and your reality you have created and co-created, this invocation can be quite effective.

Benefits can include the release and dissolution of karma (coupled with forgiveness and love for all parties concerned), relationships, anxiety, fear, mental chatter, karma, contracts and agreements.

Furthermore, your conscious awareness, consciousness can be heightened in various areas, providing greater feelings of focus, purpose, Universal Love, Happiness, Harmony & Peace, together with a general improvement of conscious/sub-conscious perception.

Locate yourself in a quiet and safe place, while NOT operating any vehicle or machinery!

Centre yourself, close your eyes, with your awareness upon your breath. Breathe deeply and evenly through your nose, following your breath in and out. As soon as you feel composed, balanced and at peace, begin to say the Invocation aloud, with courageous intent and positive conviction. The encoded Intention works its miracle by and of itself, coupled with your strength of positive intent. Release any energy through the crown chakra, or from any location on or within your physical body.

Reclamation of Self: The Invocation Practice

(I suggest you copy, paste & print this, referring to it, when appropriate)

I, ……….(Your full name)…………, as a physical human being, on Planet Earth, on this day……………..(today’s day of the week), and date………………..(today’s date) do hereby revoke and renounce any and all forms of agreements that no longer serve my highest good, in this NOW moment, which INCLUDES all dimensions, past, present, future, and all time and space realities that exist, with which I am connected. I now directly demand that all those beings attached to such agreements to STOP, to LEAVE my energy field NOW and FOREVER, and to take all forms of attached control energies with YOU, whomsoever you are! I now call upon the HIGHEST SUPREME beings of the Divine Source of All That Is, The I Am Presence, to direct and witness this dissolution of all forms of agreements with attached control energies that are no longer for my highest good. And so it IS.

I now dedicate my total Self to the higher spiritual vibrations of Divine Love and Compassion.

I dedicate my total Self to my own Self-Empowerment and Self-Mastery upon the Higher Vibratory Path of Consciousness, for my Highest Good and for the Highest Good of the entire world that I effect.

I now ask the Essence of Divine Love and Compassion, and my own Higher Self to support the changes I now choose in my life that are in-line with my destiny.

To all aspects of myself, all dimensions, past, president, future, in all time and space realities that exist, I FORGIVE YOU, whomsoever you are, for participating in and allowing those limiting agreements. I FORGIVE MY TOTAL SELF for not understanding or knowing of my true Divine-Given Presence.

To all beings and experiences, all dimensions, past, present, future, in all time and space realities that exist, who, and that, which participated in those limiting agreements, I FORGIVE YOU. With love and compassion, I FORGIVE YOU for thinking that you needed to limit and control me to gain power for yourself.

We are now ALL healed and forgiven.

We ARE all healed and forgiven.


We are now lifted to our Higher Selves, filled and surrounded with golden/white Light and Divine Love of the DIVINE PRESENCE.

All forms of limiting and controlling agreements and attachments are now RELEASED, with NO cords, and NO ties. Previously attached fear, pain and anger are now released and healed. I now call upon the HIGHEST SUPREME BEINGS of the DIVINE SOURCE OF ALL to direct and witness that ALL energy and power that was mine, to now be returned to me in a Divine and Perfect Way.

I now ask those HIGH SUPREME BEINGS to be with me, and help me heal my wounds, scars, and tears. I Am protected by my own integrity, will and choice to flow with Divine Will, and ask that Divine Will supports me in this endeavour. And so it IS.

I give thanks to the DIVINE, the ANGELS, the ASCENDED MASTERS, ALL HIGHEST SUPREME BEINGS, and any other entities, spirits or energies that assisted me in this healing, AND for their continuing guidance and upliftment! I am worthy of your Loving, healing attention, as I Love you.

Thank you, I am Complete, and in gratitude.

  • ­­­­­­­­­­­Whole-Some Healing Protocol 

Although this is conducted as a healing session in a group on the internet, which I am not offering at the moment, I nevertheless, feel that this information can be helpful to many people.

Everything in the Universe, everything in Creation, is energy!

Our physical bodies are energy, and in their purest form, pure energy.

Our thoughts are energy.

Our aura is energy.

Energy is dynamic, and constantly flows in motion. When it becomes static, by being trapped, for whatever reason, illness results.

The mind can cause or remove life force/power energy blockages, just as the heart centre can do likewise. In fact, it is desirable that both heart and mind co-operate in harmony to maximise good health. Unresolved karma is another possible cause, which also be resolved/neutralised.

This healing protocol addresses the entire (whole) body, mind & spirit energetically, and provides one with the opportunity to detect such trapped energy as may be present, that could be a contributory factor to being ‘out-of-balance,’ and even, possibly, the originating cause, together with the means that can help to resolve such issues, so that good health can return. The Whole-Some Healing Protocol is a simple process that just about everyone can participate in, and it is available for one and all, in the hope that many will be eminently successful in releasing any, and all energy blockages, so that good health becomes the normal state of being.

The origins of illness and suffering can be found in any trauma and sub-conscious mind programming, not to mention past life carry-overs (unlearned life lessons), which, somehow, transfer the energy of such memories into the cellular memory of the cells of your physical body.

Another cause of suffering is unresolved karma from this life and past lives, all of which can be healed, resolved, and released naturally and effectively, and in many cases quite quickly.

Energy is dynamic, and is meant to flow, to move, to create, and as it flows good health is the result. If for any reason it is restricted or trapped, ill health is the consequence. This is quite apparent in our human bodies, because when the life force energy is trapped anywhere, that area of the body becomes ill-at-ease, or manifests a dis-ease symptom, and illness in varying degrees results.

The process of healing any condition requires the following;

  • To choose to heal and resolve the condition.
  • To set the intention of healing, resolution.
  • To focus on the intention without deviation or distraction.
  • Applying whatever means is at our disposal to heal and resolve the condition, by our volition.
  • Tenacity to maintain all of the above, and stay with the programme of healing and resolution.
  • Application

When I begin to offer this Healing Protocol sometime in the future, I will announce it here, on this page.

  • The Self-Enquiry Protocol:

This Healing Protocol is more like a formula to help one find one’s way through the vagaries of this realm. The basic approach to healing was given by Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, now deceased, a holy man in India, who advocated the following;

  • Self-enquiry, of your Higher-Self.
  • Self-surrender, or trusting your Higher-Self.
  • Pay attention and learn from the results, whatever they may be.

I will also offer this as a group session on the internet sometime in the future, but in the meantime, there is much you can do by yourself in utilising this information. 

This Protocol requires that we constantly enquire of our Higher-Self, how we can heal, resolve issues, and improve all aspects of our life. What are the causes, such as energy blocks, and how can we release any trapped energy?

Self-surrender is surrendering to the Higher Self, to Creation, the All That Is.

Paying attention is helpful in noting the results of Self-enquiry and Self-Surrender, and acting in accordance with such results.

While it may have taken decades or even lifetimes to produce a serious health or psychological issue, healing can be much, much quicker, and in some cases, even quicker.

  • The Campfire Protocol:

The Campfire Protocol™ is a natural, and easy, organic protocol, that addresses the issue of a lack of harmony, which can be experienced by a family or any group or gathering of people. Although I intended to offer such sessions on the internet for individual families or individual groups, I will not be doing so for the time being. However, I have written a book with the same title, and which can be found on the Bookstore page soon.

The intention of The Campfire Protocol™ session, and the book, is to provide an organic guide to families, (as a family unit), and all other groups or gatherings of people, that display some form of disharmony, or wish to avoid any disharmony. The Campfire Protocol can help foster, develop and establish a balanced, positive and beneficial communication between all members of the family, and group members, for the highest good of all. This protocol can also help increase creativity and productivity for business meetings, and any other group that welcomes greater efficiency/creativity.”

The Campfire Protocol ™ is for the highest good of all those who feel they have NOT been heard, valued or appreciated. This concept offers the possibility, whereby all members of the family and/or group, can learn to listen to each other without bias or judgement, and agree to agree, or disagree, in harmony.

If this is of interest to you, please request my book, The Campfire Protocol, on the Bookstore page.

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